I really think we prefer the romantic love over everything else. What about the love we feel towards our family or friends? Where is the strength of friendship? Even friendship can have a real power. I mean at least half of people I know believe that friendship is the basic stone for romantic relationship. So it must be strong. Then why are we underestimating it so much?
I'm just really sick of hearing the same words over and over again. "Just friends". "It's just a friendship". Just? Why just? What is wrong with having a friend? What happened with us? We shouldn't underestimate the power of friendship, we should treat it the same way like other kinds of relationship - especially the romantic ones. Friends are people who know you, help you, trust you and never betray you. Their hug is worth everything. They would never let anything hurt you or step between you and them. Friends are always there for you no matter what. Isn't it enough? It should be. Friendship IS worth fighting. Let's stop the inequality between friendship and romantic love. Let's tear down the wall which is dividing our love to romance and something "less". Stop considering friendship as a something which doesn't deserve love.
I'm just really sick of hearing the same words over and over again. "Just friends". "It's just a friendship". Just? Why just? What is wrong with having a friend? What happened with us? We shouldn't underestimate the power of friendship, we should treat it the same way like other kinds of relationship - especially the romantic ones. Friends are people who know you, help you, trust you and never betray you. Their hug is worth everything. They would never let anything hurt you or step between you and them. Friends are always there for you no matter what. Isn't it enough? It should be. Friendship IS worth fighting. Let's stop the inequality between friendship and romantic love. Let's tear down the wall which is dividing our love to romance and something "less". Stop considering friendship as a something which doesn't deserve love.
Love your damn friends. They deserve it.
Já vždycky stavěla přátelství, to pravý, na vyšší příčku, než zamilovanost. (Nepoužiju slovo "láska", protože to pro mě znamená trochu něco jiného. Mnohem, mnohem hlubšího.)
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